Goals & Dreams

Do I have goals and dreams for my life? Dreams and goals are two different things. Goals are something I can realistically work towards. Dreams are what I would like to have happen, but may or may not happen. Sometimes dreams and goals don’t meet on the same path. Goals change. Dreams change.


My goal is to be in the center of God’s will; to become like Christ as much as is possible during my lifetime; to be content, in abasement or abundance, prosperity or poverty, storms or calm weather, persecution or peace. I want to be “always in heaven” even if my circumstances are in the “midst of hell”. I want to have peace passing all understanding, joy overflowing in the midst of chaos, destruction, loss, grief and death. This is my goal permeating everything. I fail too many times, but keep “pressing on toward the mark…” eradicating sin in my life and preparing for heaven, so my crown may be worthy to lay at His throne. I want to hear, “well done thou good and faithful servant, enter ye into the joy of the Lord.” I want to know the Kingdom of God in my heart, here on earth as in heaven. I want to be set free from sin now and not on my death bed. I want to know the depths of God’s love, grace, mercy so when people see me, they see Christ himself. I have a very long way to go.


This goal can be reached in simple things… getting up every day, making my bed, take care of my animals, my home, my chores; meeting with God before I start my day, throughout the day, calling on Him every step of the way, closing the day, with God, confessing my sins, asking for His grace to start again every day. It is through the mundane everyday tasks, through obedience to God’s will already known in His scriptures, to purge the “leaven” out of my life; to be vigilant over my thoughts, my words, my actions, my appetites (whatever those appetites may be), so I might not be a “slave” to anyone or anything but Christ.


Six years ago, becoming disabled, unable to work and feeling extreme loss was a severe blow. I mourned and cried out to God the night before I put my dog down, “God, you have taken my brother, my mother, my grandmother, my job, my ministry, my car, my finances, my health… must you take my dog also?” I will never forget that night as I felt helpless, broken, stripped and empty. It was the turning point in my life. I grieved all the losses and began to heal.  I saw a need to change in my personality and life. I was a purpose driven, goal driven person. My life had meaning if I had a goal, if I had a purpose, something of worth or meaning. Now my life had no goals, no purpose, no meaning. Wasn’t I supposed to be “fulfilling the great commission”? All those years of “preaching” about the “sanctity of human life” – we have worth even as a quadriplegic, an elderly person, in a nursing home, as an unborn, took a whole different meaning when it came to me. I had no energy, no health, unable to do anything. I was brought very low, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I questioned my value, my worth, the purpose of my life. I had heard, “The whole purpose of man is to worship God and enjoy Him forever”. But what did this truly mean?


For now my health is improving… what does the future hold… I am not sure, my doctors are not sure. I’m taking it one day at a time. I sent out letters to various groups to pursue being a speaker, worship leader or business consultant; except for a few responses the doors closed for now.  I threw my “talents” out and asked God what did He want me to do? I’m a web designer, I help small businesses. I’m also a dog trainer. I’ve seen God’s hand pointing in this direction for this “season”. I enjoy what I do, I’m helping others, and I’m “planting seeds” for God in the people I meet. Is this the plan for the rest of my life? I have no idea… it is where God has me in this season of my life.


I still have dreams… of being an author, a speaker, a worship leader; someone who would inspire others to follow Jesus and draw closer to Him; someone challenging people to live pure and give their lives to something worth living and dying for. I think of worship songs that should be sung to draw people into deeper fellowship with God. I think of traveling and being part of reconciliation, healing and revival in other lands. How, when, where, if? Only God knows.


I am reaching my ultimate goal. I can look around me and instead of looking at the past, the deaths and losses, I can be so very thankful. I have a nice home, wonderful friends and pets. I still have family full of love. I have found my relationship with God deepened far more than I could imagine. I’ve found once again my worth is based on “whose” I am, a child of God, created in His image, being transformed into His likeness. Along the way, my dreams may fit, they may not, my heart is at peace. I am blessed.


We all need to hear God’s heart and know we are loved and accepted. We must humbly come before God and surrender all our goals, dreams, and all our lives. God is our purpose, our goal and the answer to all our dreams.

Is Orthdoxy the True Church?

(my simplified and humble thoughts)

Sometimes doubts come into my mind of whether the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church is “The True Church” or is this just a bunch of legalism and authoritarian domination, or a cult, or am I being led astray. How do I know this is the right path? How do I know they are right and not someone like Billy Graham, Max Lucado, John MacArthur, or James Dobson? Especially when Orthodoxy stresses not to try and rationalize or think things through but to trust and have faith in the Traditions of the Church, in the Holy Elders, and in God. Orthodoxy is an “eastern way of thinking” and I’ve been raised my whole life in a “western culture” with a “western way of thinking”. Orthodoxy does not discourage this just not over-emphasizing this in all things.


It helps me to look back at the history of the Church and the beginnings of Christianity. I know this is rationalizing and thinking things through. For now, I will work on reassuring my faith in the Church with my “western way of thinking” and hopefully, someday, move on to an “Orthodox way of living”.


Before there was the Holy Canon of Scriptures (the Bible), there was Christianity, Christians, and the Church for at least 200-300 hundred years. Christianity came because of Christ. I know that sounds simplistic, but it was because of Jesus the Christ, the God-man that Christianity came into existence. Followers of Christ were first called Christians in Antioch, one of the main centers of the beginnings of Christianity. They were called Christians, because they were known as followers of Christ or imitators of Christ, ones who followed the teachings and living as Christ lived. The Holy Apostles, along with the 70 Apostles that were sent out (mentioned in the Gospels), and the growing new believers established “places of worship”. Because Christ was Jewish, and the Disciples were Jewish and because Christ did not come to abolish the “law” or the Old Testament, but to fulfill it in all ways, Jesus and the early believers practiced the style of worship as laid out by God. Jesus taught His Holy Apostles many things that were not written in the Gospels, but what was written in the Gospels were written so that we who followed in later generations might believe that Jesus is the Christ.


The Apostles were taught by God – Jesus Christ, and then later by the Holy Spirit. These same Apostles taught others and had disciples. These are the Traditions that Peter, John & Paul talk about following in the Epistles of the New Testament… exhorting us to follow the Traditions and teachings of the Apostles and not to follow “strange doctrine”. This was before the New Testament or the Bible was “canonized” and made into one book.


When I think about the Priests and the Bishops and the formalization, structure and organization of the Church, I need to remember that this was established first by the Holy Apostles, the direct disciples of Christ. These Apostles appointed Bishops, Priests, Deacons and organized the Church so that it could not be some organization, but for the Holy Sacraments to be performed with holiness, humility and sanctity.


It was the apostles who appointed the leadership of the Church and the requirements and ways for Christians to receive Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Marriage, and Burial. It was the Apostles who taught us how to do the “laying on of hands” for the anointing of those who were called into the ministry. We see some of this in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, when they appointed Deacons and how they would lay hands on others to go into other parts of the world to establish “churches” or communities of believers and places of worship. It was the Apostles who laid the foundation of what is today our Liturgy. The original Liturgical service was written by James the brother of the Lord, who wrote the epistle of James. The Liturgical services we have today are shortened versions by St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil and St. Gregory. In the Orthodox Church, we can trace our Priests and our Bishops all the way back to the Apostles, so there is a direct chain of a “laying on of hands” passed down from generation to generation… keeping the same Traditions as set forth by the Apostles.


The Church went on for 300 years without the Holy Bible as we know it today. During these first few hundred years the Church endured great persecution but continued to grow. It wasn’t until the time of St. Constantine the Great, when Christianity ceased for a time to be persecuted. Then there began to appear the many letters (epistles) and gospels circulating around and some of which were heresies began to spring up. It was at the first of the seven Ecumenical Councils that the Holy Canons were decided upon, including the Holy Canon of Scriptures based on the septuegaint and included the apocrypha.


The Church throughout the years that followed, had a total of seven of these Councils. The entire Christian world was represented and discussed, often in disputes and disagreements, what was Truth and what was heresy, by God’s grace and the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Traditions of the Church, the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Canons were established and were verified by God through various signs and wonders.


The basic doctrines of the Church were established and the Church was one Holy Catholic (meaning Universal) Apostolic (meaning handed down from the Apostles) Church (meaning all were of one body, the body of Christ). The doctrine of Mary, the mother of Jesus, was established as the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, her sinless life, her virginity that continued even after the birth of Christ, her death and miraculous disappearance of her body as a sign of the resurrection of us all. The doctrine of the Theotokos was more about establishing the two-fold nature of Christ than it was about disputing her. The Church had no questions about her life and all that I’ve mentioned already. The Church was debating the question of the nature of Christ and was it right to call Mary the Mother of God, not just the Mother of Jesus. The debate was on Jesus being fully God and fully man, undivided.


Other questions were on the nature of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit. The Church for a thousand years declared that the Son was begotten of the Father, and the Spirit proceeded from the Father and that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit yet were still One God. The Early Church believed that God was Mystery and that although we may know God in His attributes, He is unknowable in His essence. We cannot fully understand God, the mystery of the Trinity, the mystery of the God-man Jesus Christ, how the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, yet is sent by the Son. The eastern way of thinking does not try to figure things out or rationalize these things. They leave it alone, and in humility recognize that His ways are higher than our ways, and are past finding out. But God in His great mercy allows us to see through Jesus and through the acts of the Holy Spirit His attributes. We know that He is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful. We know many things about God, but to understand His being, His essence is a mystery.


In the Old Testament, it was often mentioned that no one could look upon God nor see His face. Even Moses, the friend of God, could only see the backside of God and the Holy Angels around the throne covered their faces. God also declared that Israel was to have “no graven images” of God. However, in the New Testament, we read that Christ has shown us the Father, God has become man. This is the incarnation of Christ and the revelation of God where we can behold Him face-to-face and see His glory. Even the Apostles Peter, James & John saw Christ transfigured right before their eyes, the veil was lifted and they could see the glory of God in Christ the man. Christ not only blessed mankind by becoming a man, but He blessed all of creation by becoming the created. Fulfilling the Old Testament, and allowing us to “see” God and all of creation then can become sanctified. This is the reasoning behind the Holy Icons.


The first icon was from Christ himself. There are two very similar stories of the very first icon. The first is from the Eastern traditions and the “image made without hands” and we have replicas of that today, the other one is the story from the western traditions of St. Veronica while Christ was on the road to Golgotha. The second icon was written by Luke, the Physician and writer of the Gospel of Luke and the book of the Acts of the Apostles who wrote the first Icon of Mary the Mother of God, which we also still have replicas of today. There is a Russian Icon which celebrates that first icon and shows St. Luke painting that first icon. The Church Councils settled this debate and much blood was shed in defense of those very icons.


Icons we must remember were around before the scriptures were circulating. Even after the Canon of the Holy Scriptures was established, the printing press still had not been invented, and very few people knew how to read or write or were literate. Pictures were painted – rather Icons were written… this was the term the Holy Fathers used because they were written to declare the message of Christ. Christ in creation, Christ in His saints, Christ in all things, so that all might see and worship Christ. The Holy Fathers explicitly reprimanded and condemned the worship of Icons. They declared that they were “windows to heaven”, to transcend this earth and allow us to look into heavenly things. All Icons have a story that has been written to lead us to Heaven, to lead us to Christ. When I look upon an Icon, I must not see it as an expression of art, I must look into it as if I am looking into heaven itself and I need to examine myself and see if I am measuring up to the message contained in the written testimony. I need to see if I can grasp the spiritual meaning contained in the image. The Icons of the Saints are to show not an exact picture of that person, but of Christ in that person revealed. So that when we see that Saint, we are seeing an attribute of Christ revealed and it leads us to Christ. The Icons of the Theotokos, point us to Christ. The Icons of Christ through it’s many interpretations, reveal various attributes of Christ. All of these Icons, should lead us to see heaven before us and how to live a heavenly life.


This was the Church for over one thousand years until the time of the great schism, the split between east and west, the split between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. The Church was one and believed all of these things and more than I’ve written here.


The One True Church established ways of worship, ways of prayer, ways of fasting, the way we make the sign of the cross, the calendar, the feasts and festivals, the sacraments and the services. There were allowances made for the weak and the old, allowances and some diversity for cultural reasons. So the liturgy was translated and the scriptures were translated into other languages and the style of music reflected the culture, but the doctrines, the canons, the liturgy, the scriptures, have remained the same. The Church determines what is Holy Tradition and has also determined what are cultural traditions in some places called rubrics.


The Church makes it clear that this is NOT to be a legalistic way of obtaining or earning our salvation. The Church gives us these Canons so that we can achieve salvation not only in heaven but have heaven here on earth in our present lives, so like one of the holy fathers has said, that they could be in the midst of hell and as long as the presence of God was with them, they would be in heaven. The Church wants us to work out our salvation so that we can go through the process of deification – becoming like Christ, more God-like in all aspects and areas of our mind, body and soul. That we might be one with God even as the Holy Trinity is one.


I need to constantly remind myself of these things… that this Holy Catholic Apostolic Church is the Church that Jesus Himself and the Holy Apostles established and their disciples, the Holy Fathers, have given us these things that we may know God, have strength through our sufferings and obtain the resurrection and life eternal. This is the One True Church, and although at times doubts creep in, I can stand on the Church that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it, because it is the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, the body of Christ. May I have the grace and mercy of God to stay faithful through the prayers of the most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints. Amen.

Religious Experience or Truth?

In an editorial in our local newspaper a former Military Chaplain was quoted, “I realized so many innocent people are dying again in the name of God…I just decided I’m done. … I will not be part of any church that unleashes its clergy to preach that particular individuals or faith groups are damned.”

Ancient Celtic, Norse, Druid, Witchcraft has historically been about blood sacrifices, including human sacrifices at the feasts and seasons of the year to appease the gods and goddesses. Even the Celts, Norse & Druids were fierce and feared people for their brutalities.

This Chaplain may be fed up with violence, the lack of peace, the discord, the hate, but ALL religions have displayed discrimination against those that would oppose their “brand” of religion or faith.

TRUE CHRISTIANITY or better put the CHRISTIAN GOD is not guilty for the sins of man. It does not make Christianity invalid or not true. How many Christians were murdered, children, pregnant women, infants and monastic, by the ancient Celts, Norsemen, Vikings, and even Ancient Muslims?

Just because violence exists amongst mankind does not make one religion valid over another. Both Gandhi & Jesus Christ walked difficult, peaceful, loving paths in this life, both were persecuted and suffered, both showed us examples to live by.

The real questions are “What is Truth?” “Who is God?” “What is my relationship to Truth and to God?” In our society of relativism, there is no longer a standard of truth. We craft our own truth to fit our own needs. So my truth may not be your truth. This may sound reasonable, but it is illogical. My truth may actually conflict with your truth therefore true peace does not exist unless we can agree on Universal Truths. Even Wicca’s make their religion to fit their needs, calling on ancient gods or goddesses to meet their own particular need or desire. Most don’t want to harm others and want to follow the “Reed” (their creed), however, there are always those that can justify using the spells and gods, goddesses to actually do harm to others.

Often we don’t like Truth when it comes face to face. Often we don’t like God when we come face to face. Rather we try to make something “fit” to which we are comfortable with rather than deal with Truth and aligning our lives to that Truth no matter how hard it may be. If we seek real Truth, we will find. If we truly want to seek God or the ALL, then we must truly be willing to let go of our own agenda, our own self, and our own pre-conceived ideas. We must be historical, accurate, honest and logical. We must realize that we are only human beings amongst a very small earth in a vast universe. If there is a God, this God is certainly bigger than us and can not be controlled by our whims and wishes. I restate: What is Truth? Who is God? What is my relationship to Truth and God that is beyond my control or power? This is the heart of an honest seeker of the meaning of life.

Do All Roads Lead to the Same Mountain Top?

Is Christianity the only way to God & Heaven?  To begin with there are many scriptures to consider:

·     “Hear oh, Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

·     “’You are My witnesses,’ says the Lord, ‘and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He.  Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Saviour.” (Isaiah 43: 10-11)

·     “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father except by me.’” (John 14:6)

·     “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30)

·     “Jesus said, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber… I am the door. If anyone enters by Me he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.’” (John 10: 1, 9)

·     “Jesus replied, ‘before Abraham was, I am.’” (John 8:58)

·     “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His gory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”  (John 1:1, 14)

·     “’I am the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ sayeth the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelations 1:8)


Jesus plainly taught that the only way to God and to Heaven was to believe in Jesus, Himself… there was no other way.  In fact, Jesus said that anyone who denied Jesus Christ would have no part in the kingdom of God that in fact, if a person denied Jesus then God the Father would deny that person.  (Luke 12: 8-9, Matthew 10:32-33)The only way to heaven and to be a child of God, is to believe in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son and Word of the Father.  Jesus said unless a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.  (John 3:5) Therefore, only in Christianity is salvation found… scripture says again, “there is no other name by which men can be saved, but only in the name of Jesus Christ.” (Acts 4:12)


Not all faiths that claim to be “Christian” are truly Christian.  There are many false doctrines and heresies that have been around since the very beginning of the Church.  The Church has faithfully for 2,000 years proclaimed the Divinity and the Humanity of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity, one in essence and undivided: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


There are a number of false “Christian” faiths in our American culture.  Jesus said that we needed to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.  He warned that there would be wolves in sheep’s clothing and there would be false prophets, false teachers, false shepherds and “anti-christ’s” tools of the devil to try and deceive people and lead them astray.  (Matthew 7:15, 22-23; Mark 13:21-23; 2 Peter 2:1,10-22; 1 John 2:18-19, 22-23 4:1-3) Two false “faiths” are the Jehovah’s Witness and Mormonism.  The Jehovah’s Witness Church teaches false doctrine and heresies.  They deny the “deity” of Christ, deny that Jesus was “the only begotten Son of God”… they changed the Holy Scriptures and say that Jesus was “a” god, one of many gods.  Mormonism also teaches false doctrine and heresies.  They deny some of the same things related to Christ’s deity and humanity and His uniqueness as the only begotten Son of God, they have added to scriptures, they deny the Trinity, they believe in many gods and that someday we will become gods and create our own worlds and have spiritual children of our own.


Our response to those who do not hold to the teachings of the Bible, the Apostles, and the Traditions of Historic Church is by following the commandment to love people, because each is made in the image of God and God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.   Clearly Christ teaches us to love others and by our example and our faithfulness to the Word of God, be light and salt in this world.  We are also told to hold fast and firm to the teachings of the Apostles and the Word of God and to proclaim it boldly.


If someone is of another faith, is this person going to hell?  Christ tells us it is not up to us to judge another person.  We are to judge right from wrong, truth from lies, wrongful actions are to be condemned and consequences given out for the wrongs committed.  Someone recently said to me, it is not for us to judge whether a snake is good or evil, but rather is it poisonous or not and to be discerning so that deadly venom does not enter into our hearts and cause death.  We are in no place to judge another person’s heart.  Only God sees the heart of each individual.  There are many people that are in the “wrong” religion however, only God knows their heart and we cannot be a judge, only God is the judge.  Jesus does command us to go and “preach the gospel” to everyone so that they may come into the truth and have Christ enter into their hearts, to worship Him not only in spirit, but in Truth and enter into relationship with Him that He might transform our lives for His glory and we can eternally worship and be with God in heaven.


Ultimately, truth is not only scriptures, teachings, or doctrines, but Truth is a Person, that Person being Jesus Christ the Son of God.  If one wants to find Truth, that person must turn to Jesus, who was fully God and fully man, a part of the Holy Trinity.  If one denies Jesus, they deny truth and are deceived and in bondage to a lie.  If one is deceived and in bondage, that is one who should not be condemned, but prayed for and helped until brought into truth and freedom.  It is appropriate then to pray for and be kind to those of other faiths, and at the same time, to hold firmly to the “True” church and the “True” Christian faith, and pray for the opportunity to lead others into that Truth.